Wednesday, June 3, 2015

EBS 12.2.x forms issue with validation error

     EBS 12.2.x forms issue with validation error

     Recently i have come across a funny issue with all the vision instances that i have created for 12.2.x (12.2.2 and 12.2.4). After the instance is created launching forms end is error with security validation message.

As for the environment preparation is concerned oracle suggests to take up the latest AD.C latest delta patch which is 6. After upgrading the AD.C delta 6 or 4 or 5 you will notice that this issue occurs. The metalink note Cannot Launch Forms after Applying Patch 18497540:R12.TXK.C (Doc ID 1684539.1) talks about upgrading to 12.2.3 however it does not help in resolution .

This is due to the new feature of security introduced in AD.Cdelta4 . The look and feel should be null but in my case it shows java look and feel.

The below steps seem to help me resolve the issue. Here we are suppressing the new code..

1. Create custom version of the forms_web_xml_FMW.tmp template 

# cp $FND_TOP/admin/template/forms_web_xml_FMW.tmp $FND_TOP/admin/template/custom 

2. Open the $FND_TOP/admin/template/custom/forms_web_xml_FMW.tmp 

3. Comment the following as follows 
<!-- Forms Filter--> 

4. Run Autoconfig to propagate the change into $OA_HTML/../../forms/forms/WEB-INF/web.xml 

5. Restart the Forms WLS Managed Servers 

6. Retest the issue 

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