Thursday, May 1, 2014

Apex Sample application for monitoring Spread of concurrent Managers and Concurrent Program Runs

I was facing problem as some users are saying some jobs are running slow and some jobs are not performing properly during specific days.I was looking for ways to identify why this jobs are not performing properly during specific days especially as this is not happening in any specific pattern.

I wanted to see the spread of the concurrent jobs over 24 hrs and also across concurrent managers. to see if i can get any answer to the problem we were facing. I created a n APEX application for the same: I fountd it useful and so wanted to share the same

Spread of concurrent jobs over 24hrs span on each day.The hour where maximum jobs are running is highlighted and the rest of the hours are highlighted with relative color of the max hour

Spread of concurrent jobs over 24hrs span by concurrent managers on specific day.The hour where maximum jobs are running is highlighted and the rest of the hours are highlighted with relative color of the max hour

Once the hour and manager is identified we want to know the jobs running at that hour and number of executions

Click on the program to know more details on the concurrent job

We need to create dblink in apex to the instance we are going to monitor with the name "iprod".

Import application into apex from the file here